Swedish Massage

Swedish massage therapy is the most well known and easily recognisable massage therapy available, as well as being one of the most popular. The primary goal of the technique is to relax the entire body through the use of long, gliding strokes across the muscles using the hands and palms and is known to be highly beneficial to the body and immune system. Here at Vogue Beauty and Aesthetics, we have experts who are more than happy to help you relax and unwind in our treatment rooms

Lava Shell Massage

Lava shell massage is a type of heat massage treatment that is useful for reducing swelling through injuries and can soothe aches and pains, by using tiger-striped clam shells, filled with a lava gel sachet and an activator liquid, to generate the heat.
The heat created can be incredibly soothing, especially when combined with traditional massage techniques, and can help reduce any pain or swelling.

lava shell massage


Aromatherapy is a truly holistic therapy, affecting mind, body and spirit. It is designed to assist the body in balancing and healing itself. Natural high-quality essential oils from leaves, seeds, petals, roots and barks are used in minute amounts, mixed with a carrier oil and blended for each individual client. They are applied to the body by a gentle massage, helping you relieve tension and relax. Book your appointment with us today!